Catching the wave

My “Modern Physics” class has come to one of the most crucial and important insights that has been made into the natural world: waves of probability seem to lie at the heart of the behavior of matter. “Paradigm shift” is a phrase overly applied in the modern world, but it applies extremely well to the wave nature of matter. Like all such punctuated bits of evolution, this evolution in thinking came because facts opposed notions, and was resisted as if the lives of all physicists involved in the conversation depended on being right in spite of the data. The early 1900s, when the wave nature of matter became a thing of serious consideration, were turbulent and revelatory in the physics community. With implications not just for physics, but philosophy and technology, the wave nature of matter is both alarming (at first) and crucial.

What does all of this mean? We think of waves and particles as distinct things. Of particles, we ask: where are you, where are you going, when will you get there? Of waves, we ask: how often do you repeat in space and in time, what is your maximum amplitude, where are you zero, and how spread out are you? At first, putting these two phenomena together seems impossible. But then you start to think about “relevant dimensions,” and then you start to cease to see distinctions between the two.

What are “relevant dimensions?” The textbook I am using, Harris’s “Modern Physics,” handles this quite well: simply put, these are the relative sizes scatterer and the scatteree. If an electron is to scatter off of atoms spaced far apart, the relevant dimensions are large compared to the electron; if the spacing of the atoms is extremely close, then perhaps the dimensions are small compared to the electron.

Harris gives a nice analogy, which I modified a bit for my class. Imagine taking a boat out to the middle of a lake, then laying down in the boat (so you can’t see the water around you) and staring up at the sky. Somewhere far across the lake, at a construction site, a crane drops a large concrete or steel structure. What happens?

If the structure hits the beach and then rolls into the water, the waves it creates can have wavelengths that are meters long. The waves travel across the lake and reach your boat. Your boat is not that big, so the waves begin to raise, then lower, the boat. You would report that the boat experienced wave motion – the dimensions of the wave are much larger than the boat, so the boat only responds to a small part of the overall wave, rising and falling as the wave passes.

But what if the crane drops the structure straight into the water? Then the energy goes into one short, sharp wave. Its wavelength may be half-a-meter or less. When it reaches your boat, what happens? Rather than the boat responding to some small part of the wave, the whole of the wave strikes the boat at almost the same time. All that energy is deposited into the boat at nearly the same time. What do you report? You are likely to think another boat has hit you, or that you have drifted into a rock. You would report a “particle collision”.

The relevant dimensions – the wavelength compared to the boat – affect the interpretation of the event. Particle-like behavior manifests when the wavelength is short compared to the dimensions of the object, and wave-like behavior is apparent when the wavelength is long compared to the dimensions of the object.

But for matter, what is “waving”? If electrons, protons, atoms, etc. are waves – what is waving? The answer was not originally arrived at easily, and to this day nobody is sure if there is a better answer. But the answer that works is PROBABILITY. The particle itself is not oscillating or wiggling or vibrating. Rather, its associated wave is one of probability amplitude – in one place in space or time, the wave amplitude is lower, so the chance of finding the particle there is small, while in another the amplitude is large, making the chance of finding the particle there high. To see the particle, you have to measure it, and when you measure it the particle nature manifests (to find it, you have to detect it, and to detect it, you either have to bounce something off of it or make it bounce off something). Until the measurement is made, you only know where the particle is likely to be or not be.

This is among the hardest things in physics to accept. You accept it only because it works – it makes predictions that time after time have born out. The probability wave interpretation of matter tells us not only why atoms work the way they do, why electrons can be used to measure subatomic structure, and why transistors and diodes work, but gives us a means to explore new possibilities regarding the nature of reality.

Is the wave nature of matter true? Is it right? Those are difficult words for a physicist. Certainly, experiments don’t (yet) suggest otherwise. But perhaps one day we’ll find a better explanation, a bigger explanation, that makes this seem more sensible to us. Until then, I am excited that my class gets to explore the wave nature of matter, and I am excited that I get to teach it.

Homework, anyone?


E=mc^2 gets all the fame and press. That’s because this deceptively simple equation hides a rich spectrum of insights which still have ripple effects on the modern world. It tells us that a large input of energy is needed to generate a little mass; the flip-side of that statement is that if you can effect a small change in mass, you can get a LOT of energy. It was that realization, and a ton of hard work by both engineers and physicists, that led to the first atomic weapons. To this day, we feel the effects of those insights. The consequences of nuclear proliferation are still with us, the threat of loose nukes an omnipresent reality in modern geopolitics.

E=mc^2 has done more than destroy cities or create new political entanglements. Converting mass to energy, as through the annihilation of matter and anti-matter in the PET scan, saves lives. Nuclear power created a new industry, a new way to generate electricity, and new challenges both in engineering and politics.

But E=mc^2 is only one half of a greater story. The general equation relating energy, mass, AND motion is E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (pc)^2 – that second part encodes the effect of motion on energy. Just as this equation is interesting when nothing is moving (p=0), it’s interesting when there is no mass (m=0).

No mass means all of a body’s energy arises from its motion. Without motion, it does not exist. E = pc is the beginning of something greater, though at first that may not be terribly obvious. This equation, the forgotten fraternal twin of E=mc^2, carries with it an important requirement: if you are going to have no mass, you must move at the speed of light. This revelation teaches us something about light itself – that regardless of its other properties, it has no mass-energy. It is all movement, yet it transmits inertia from one place to another.

The fact that E=pc requires mass-less things to move at the speed of light arises from a mathematical necessity; due to the definition of momentum, p, in relativity, the only way that a mass-less object can do anything but not exist at all is that it must move at the speed of light.

However, that’s all this equation can tell us. The mathematical requirement that E=pc means the object moves at the speed of light leaves us with an otherwise undefined equation; that’s because p depends on both the mass (which is zero) and a function of velocity that returns infinity when the speed is that of light. This zero and this infinity compete to keep energy from being trivially zero, but in doing so give us no further insight into light.

The parallel revolution of quantum physics and the discretization of energy in radiation was needed to make progress on light itself. Quantum physics gives us the framework to describe the energy and momentum of light, in terms that are definite.

E=pc is often forgotten in all the excitement about the benefits, powers, and geopolitics of E=mc^2. Yet, E=pc is a gateway into the very nature of light. Light is so fundamental to life, and interactions among the living, that it is no less important than matter. In the study of E=pc, and the nature of radiation, we eventually come full circle on the relationship between energy and matter. That’s a story for another time. For now, let’s just quietly adore E=pc.

Electronic Logbook: LATEX Makeover!

About three weeks ago, Jodi and I hosted an old friend and colleague. While his primary purpose was to come to SMU to deliver a seminar on his recent work in neutrino physics, he accidentally got me thinking (again) about improving my electronic logbook experience. I’ve spoken before about different ways you can choose to implement your electronic logbook. Here, I focus entirely on TiddlyWiki ( and an implementation of LATEX, the mathematical typesetting language.

Such an implementation exists, in general, for JavaScript – this makes it portable to any major modern browser platform. As a review, LATEX [1]  is a type-setting language; like a printing press, it correctly places and kerns fonts and allows you to quickly and beautifully format mathematical equations.LATEX is available for every major computing platform. jsMath [2] is a JavaScript implementation of the parsers in LATEX and renders mathematics in native fonts. This is dissimilar from other implementations of LATEX on the web, where instead of fonts, GIF images are created for the equation. For a big document, this means loading dozens, or hundreds, or images. jsMath avoids this completely.

The missing piece: a plugin for TiddlyWiki, so that you can use jsMath in your electronic logbook. That plugin is achieved via the Tiddler “Plugin: jsMath” by Bob McElrath [3]. Here is my own personal recipe for installing jsMath and the Tiddler plugin.

  1. As of the writing of this entry, I am using TiddlyWiki 2.5.3 and jsMath 3.6c (the latest public release versions of each). I downloaded them from the sites linked in this post.
  2. I began by installing jsMath in the same directory where my top-level logbook .html file is located. I unpacked the jsMath ZIP archive, which automatically creates a jsMath subdirectory. The top-level logbook .html will look for jsMath in this way when the plugin is installed.
  3. I installed the TrueType Fonts recommended by the jsMath site (see For me, they had to be unpacked into the .fonts/ subdirectory in my home directory. Your needs may vary. Basically, your browser has to have access to these fonts.
  4. I then added a new Tiddler to my logbook. I titled it “Plugin: jsMath”, and into it I copied the code on Bob’s webpage. I added the tag “systemConfig” to the tiddler, so that it is executed and loaded as a plugin to the logbook.
  5. Installation complete! I then added LATEX code into my journal tiddlers (e.g. $\gamma \to e^+ e^-$) and it rendered beautifully

A few words of caution, before you get ahead of yourself. Please read the jsMath website information on defining new symbols. It’s not as straight-forward as experienced LATEX users would like it to be, but once you learn the syntax it gets to be a cut-and-paste operation. Second, if you’re using a remote server to host your wiki you are on your own; I don’t know what expectations the code will have for the location of the jsMath code (on the server, on your local machine, or both?). I know that the current implementation of the plugin does some text parsing and looks in the current directory for jsMath – you may have to edit this to make it work when your wiki is on a remote server.

So far, this has been a positive experience. I can still use unicode/HTML short-cuts for things, as needed (e.g. γ → e^^+^^ e^^-^^, which gives you almost the same result as the example LATEX above). But, now for complex equations I have the power of LATEX at my fingertips. I’m even thinking of doing lecture notes for classes in this way, so that they can be instantly placed on the web.


