Undergraduate Physicists

Since joining the faculty at SMU, I have had the pleasure not only of teaching SMU undergraduates physics, but also engaging in physics research with undergraduates. I currently have two researchers working with me on the BaBar experiment. One of the students is engaged in a project to image the Babar detector “non-invasively” by employing the interactions of subatomic particles with atoms in the detector. The other student is searching for evidence of dark force mediators which might be the particles that allow dark matter to “communicate” with normal matter. More information is available on my BaBar Group website [1].

Next weekend, the three of us will be traveling to Cincinnati for the spring BaBar Physics “Jamboree” (we in physics call workshops “jamborees” to make them sound more outwardly fun – hey, physics rules, but it’s not like we square dance while discussing new particles). It’s critically important to me that undergraduate researchers have not only a forum for their work, but a meaningful forum where they receive the same encouragement and criticism given to all members of the research community. Science isn’t just about solitary data analysis – it’s about sticking your neck out, sharing your work, and risking its perfection in the face of an accurate criticism. It’s also about interacting with your colleagues, who are otherwise names in an e-mail or faceless voices in a conference call. So much gets done in such a short time when physicists meet face-to-face.

I’ll be posting updates from our trip, using both this blog and my Twitter account (@drsekula). Obviously, I can’t share information about our findings in the data prior to their release by the collaboration, but 90% of our experiences and our work can still be shared. To all my friends and colleagues: I can’t wait to see you again in Cincinnati!

[1] http://www.physics.smu.edu/sekula/babar/research.html

Staring into the Big Bang

The sun was still not up in Dallas when the Large Hadron Collider started smashing protons together at 7 trillion electron volts. I had been up since 5 am, doing my “day” shift on the ATLAS experiment. I’m tasked with  quality control work, checking the status of data once a unit of that data (a “run”) has concluded and processed. This was to be the big day, when all the work of two decades paid off and CERN became the crowned champion of collider energies. Around 6am Central U.S. time, came the start of something great: collisions at an energy never before witnessed by human eyes. (For me, it was ATLAS Run 152166. Sounds less glorious when you look at it that way!)

Energy and time are intimately related. The further back in time you go, the smaller, more dense, and hotter the universe was. At a time some billionth of a second (or so) after the Big Bang, temperature in the universe made energies like those produced by the LHC quite common. So, in a sense, the LHC is the best time machine ever created by our species: it recreates a moment after the Big Bang when 7 trillion electron volts of energy was commonplace. It is our means to recreate a scene not played for 13.7 billion years. Our particle detectors are the windows that pierce the subatomic veil and give us our view of these fantastic energies.

This day marks the beginning of what should be a 1.5 year run at this energy. Now, the critical work of understanding the data begins. Now, we get busy.

An ATLAS event, taken at 7 TeV. From http://atlas.web.cern.ch/Atlas/public/EVTDISPLAY/events.html

Becoming a BaBarian

Earlier last week, the BaBar Collaboration met at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory for its autumn meeting. Over four days, we discussed a great variety of physics (during over 100 parallel session talks), learned about the process of preserving the BaBar data for future researchers, and even celebrated our 400th published paper. In addition to these activities, we bid farewell to some long-time pillars of the BaBar community, as they move on to greater things, and we welcomed new members: young students and post-docs who came to the meeting fresh from the BaBar Analysis School the week before.

I attended the meeting not only to present some recent research activities, but to present my case for SMU membership in the collaboration. This case has been built up, in consultation with leadership in the collaboration, over the course of the last two months. It is with tremendous pleasure that I report that the case for membership was enthusiastically received, and SMU is now a new institutional member of the BaBar collaboration.

My participation is focused largely on contributions to the physics efforts of the collaboration: research, review, and publication. My goal is to also contribute simulated data, produced at SMU and distributed to the collaboration; this effort is already well underway and nearing complete success. Having established these milestones, my attention will be turning back to contributing to ATLAS through operational work. I’ll be at CERN in December, training for these efforts and learning from my experienced ATLAS colleagues. There are two blocks in my life right now, and I feel like a new kid on both of them.

While I have been a member of the BaBar Collaboration since 2000, I have always been so under the auspices of an established institution. Bringing a new institution into the collaboration is a novel experience for me, exciting and full of opportunity. I envision significant contributions being made by SMU undergraduates to the BaBar research effort. I see BaBar data serving as a direct means to engage students in independent research, to teach them modern research techniques, and to communicate the work and knowledge of particle physics. I see the immense dataset, in conjunction with the coming data from ATLAS, teaching us about all aspects of new physical phenomena: their properties visible only at the highest energies and their subtle effects visible only with the best precision, the most data. I see opportunity for SMU, and I am happy to be leading this effort.