I’ll be returning to the “CERN area” tonight – my flight leaves in just over an hour. It’s been a whirlwind last couple of weeks . . . in fact, this whole month has been one crazy professional sacrifice. I’ve spent nearly a month now being jet-lagged: Geneva, to Dallas, back to Geneva, then back to Dallas 10 days later, then off to Davis, CA the next day, then back to Dallas, then off to my sister’s wedding on the US East Coast, then back to Dallas, and now back to CERN. Next week, I’ll be in Israel for a Higgs workshop for my Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs Subgroup
But, then, this is what I signed up for. I still love physics . . . but this travel is both amazing and exhausting. Sadly, I’m getting used to it. The idea of changing 7 time zones is becoming a nearly casual exercise. I just look forward to being rooted at CERN again for a month so I can focus. Focus is important . . . in fact, it’s THE most important thing
So . . . one more night flight and then CERN!