The Personal Blog of Stephen Sekula

Semi-Great Effort

I’ve had the pleasure and the pain of being a BaBar reviewer for the past year on an analysis of the rare process b->sγ. This analysis has been in preparation for years, and believe it or not the analysts (and the review committee) worked on this thing pretty much continuously for all those years. While results were presented, the final publication was elusive for a while due to the need to perform many detailed studies of the conclusions. The results have recently been submitted to Physical Review D.

There was a celebration on Friday marking the conclusion of an era for this analysis on BaBar. For my role in the process, I was awarded the “Semi-Great Effort (b->sγ) Award for Surviving 1 Radiating Year With Us” prize. See the picture below. This rare and prestigious award has only been given out to two others, also on Friday. Like the Nobel Prize, it can only go to a maximum of three people – quite nicely, that’s the number of the reviewers on this analysis!

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