The Personal Blog of Stephen Sekula

Damn you, global warming

This morning, over my second cup of coffee, I found a weird little news item in my “science” feed on Yahoo! News. The article reported that the Ohio Buckeye tree might migrate north, into Michigan, as the average temperature in Ohio climbs [1].

This is terrible news. The Michigan BUCKEYES? What a ridiculous idea. And how the hell can I continue working at a place like OSU if this happens. After all, it was the buckeye tree that drew me to the institution in the first place. A post-doc like myself, sometimes on the market, cannot afford to make decisions based on the high quality people I might work with, or the professional freedom to explore new avenues of research that a university like OSU offers. Nay. It’s the buckeye.

Great. I’m going to have to start thinking about whether the buckeye will make it as far north as Ann Arbor, so I can get a job at UMich. Sigh. And think of the young people. How will anybody ever be able to make a photo like this one should this horror come to pass? [2]

[1] Group: Global warming could cost Ohio its buckeyes

[2] CGSA Camping Trip 2008