The Personal Blog of Stephen Sekula

Greetings from Moscow!

I arrived in Moscow yesterday with a bunch of other BaBarians on a Delta flight out of JFK airport. We were tired, starting to feel jet-lagged, and eager to get to our hotel. To make a long story short (I’ll post more details from my ICHEP journal later), the taxi ride was cheap and uneventful, the hotel is a pit, the commute to the conference is about an hour, no matter how you look at it, and the conference has so far been excellent.

Today, we heard from a number of people conerning dark matter and dark energy (DAMA/LIBRA still has nothing to report), cosmology and colliders (string theory landscape models are falsifiable, perhaps bringing them into the realm of actual science), and BaBar and BELLE are neck-in-neck in the race for the observation of flavor mixing in the neutral D-meson system (never before observed, with BaBar having a tantalizing hint and Belle seeing nothing).

OK, back to the conference!