The Personal Blog of Stephen Sekula

Blechk — this week was too long…

**YAWN**. This was a loooooooooong week. When I was a graduate student it was “no big deal” [1] to have four 8-hour shifts, plus normal meetings and work.

Although I was expecting to sleep-in today, I was a little amazed that I slept until 1 pm. I can’t say I’ve done that for a very long time, probably since college. Despite needing the rest, sleeping that long never leaves me feeling very well. Thus, blechk…

I’ve got a nice restful weekend ahead, however. I have some cleaning to do (mostly done!), and a nice beer-centric social event to attend tomorrow (with physicists), but overall I have low expectations for my weekend!

.. [1] “No big deal” means in the short term – order 1 week. In the long term (several months) that kind of continued behavior led to exhaustion, depression, and hypertension. Blechk.