There is a famous saying in my field: yesterday’s mystery is today’s discovery is tomorrows calibration. Although we havent finished all measurements of the top quark, we know a lot about it. At LHC, the top quark will be prduced in such great numbers over background, it will serve as a core calibration signature for CMS and ATLAS. Thanks to JoAnne Hewitt and Jim Pilcher for great talks on LHC physics prospects!
I am a husband, son, and physicist. I am Research Group Manager in the Research Division at SNOLAB and a Professor of Physics at Queen's University. I like to do a little bit of everything: writing, running, biking, hiking, drumming, gardening, carpentry, computer programming, painting, drawing, eating and sleeping. I earned a Ph.D. in Physics in 2004 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I love to spend time with my family. All things written in here are my own, unless otherwise attributed.
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