The Personal Blog of Stephen Sekula

What to blog about?

A scientist is a pie (no, wait – this is going someplace). Like a pie, a scientist’s job is to be eaten. Different people want different sized slices. Some people want you to spend your time on a research project. Other people want you to spend your time on service or technical work. Others still need your help with their work. 1/3 of the pie is pre-allocated to sleep, and another 1/12 is devoted to meals. The other thing to remember is that the scientist pie is just part of the whole person meal; the other courses are reading, relaxation, hobbies, friends, and family. You might recall that pie is only, therefore, supposed to be part of the whole.

The problem with being a pie is that the people vying for slices don’t coordinate, and therefore they each ask for more than is available. Worse yet, sometimes the pie wants to keep a slice for himself. That’s right – sometimes a pie just wants to have a piece left alone.

Okay, this metaphor is dead. I’ve been lazy about writing lately because blogging is like salt; you can do without it most of the time, but sometimes it just tastes good on food.

OKAY. This metaphor is really dead now. Oh, summer conferences. You are so cruel and unforgiving.