Short, well-written and thoughtfully considered excursions into the heart of science. Thanks, Brian! Skeptoid: Critical Analysis Podcast Skeptoid is a weekly science podcast dedicated to furthering knowledge by blasting away the widespread pseudosciences that infect popular culture, and replacing them with way cooler reality. This was posted on Google+…
Here is the new SMU TV ad featuring our particle physics efforts. New SMU commercial New SMU commercial The new SMU commercial shows how students, faculty and alumni are making an impact on the world. Thi This was posted on Google+…
Stephen Colbert’s commentary segment, "The Word," was right on target on Tuesday night. After returning from vacation, The Colbert Report took on the Texas Republican Party Platform plank on critical thinking . . . specifically, on banning critical thinking in Texas. Here ya go, America. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/416535/july-17-2012/the-word—on-the-straight—narrow-minded Colbert Report: The Word […]
Is anyone else creeped out by the “Higgs” character in the Symmetry Magazine photoshop contest [1]? I am. All I can think of is Towlie from “South Park,” because they look a lot alike. All I hear is Higgsie saying, “You guys wanna get high (pT)?” I know this, by […]
Yesterday, a high court in the U.S. ruled in favor of the Environmental Protection Agency’s use of regulatory power to put constraints on greenhouse gas emission (since EPA judged them a threat to public health). The high court’s ruling [1] included this gem of a statement: “It makes no difference […]
The world’s press seems too timid to say it, so I am just going to make this plain and clear. Tonight’s Eurocup match-up between Germany and Greece WILL determine the outcome of the EU. Elections? Pah. Financial legislation? Please. High-level meetings of the G20? It’s a show. Anyone can do […]
After a short rain storm, we were treated to this delightful sight. Unfortunately, the camera on my European mobile phone doesn’t capture the incredible color brilliance of this particular rainbows. The colors were so crisp, and even the blues and purples so vibrant, you could swear they were stained glass […]
I am saddened by the news that South Carolina’s governor has chosen a path of scientific and medical ignorance and vetoed a bill that would have provided young girls free access to the HPV vaccine, which is recommended for girls as young as 12 to head off the possible transmission […]
Today is my last day of Trigger Desk shifts this week. I have one more block of shifts next week. When I went to sign up for shifts 3 months ago, only these two blocks of Trigger shifts were left. In ATLAS, you take what you can get. I hope […]