It’s been a computer-ful week! is, as I have mentioned before, hosted from a personal server assembled from second-hand parts. Tonight, I added one of the first major *new* parts to the system in years: a new hard drive. For a while, I’ve known the 7-year-old drives serving as […]
Tonight, got an upgrade. I switched from a six-year-old, 333MHz second-hand PC to a 3-year-old 1GHz second-hand PC. Every now and then, when I replace a desktop machine in the house or when a family member tosses out a computer, I harvest it for running our webserver. Of course, […]
I almost always get a cold after the December BaBar collaboration meeting. It’s a combination of stress and exposure to hacking and coughing international colleagues. It also serves as a reminder of the fallibility of the human form, the susceptibility to the most minute parasite wishing to use my cells […]
Today is Dec. 10 (at least, in the United States) – the day the Nobel Prizes are awarded (“”: This day marks the anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, a man made wealthy by his dangerous work on the development of dynamite. He established the prize to recognize outstanding […]
Jodi and I like to take the long way home in the winter. We go through neighborhoods that surround our usual destinations, looking for well-decorated houses. With Christmas in just a few weeks, people in California have done all kinds of crazy things to decorate their lawns and homes. This […]
Some weeks, it just doesn’t pay to think about some topics. When I returned from Thanksgiving break on Monday morning, I did so only to find an alarming e-mail in my inbox. The e-mail, from a close colleague of mine, relayed the fact that our competitor experiment, Belle, had completed […]
This Thanksgiving, Jodi and I were pretty damned sick of traveling [TAOMPH358]. However, one of the students in my group was co-hosting a Thanksgiving turkey fry at his place. Jodi and I gladly accepted the invitation, and knew we were in for a fun at-home holiday. Jodi did some baking […]
The international linear collider will be the most powerful, most precise probe of the universe ever constructed on the Earth. The Large Hadron Collider, currently in the final stages of construction, will crack open the Terascale. Most physicists believe, based on knowing where our current theory of nature fails to […]
This past weekend, I completed the construction of my new death star. At its heart is a pentium 4 dual core processor, which I am *itching* to take for a spin with “ROOT”: and g++ – in particular, I want to clock a cold build of ROOT. To do anything […]
I’ve been picked on for watching Gilmore Girls. I’ve also been picked on for watching “Angel” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. In fact, I once mocked a good friend of mine for doing just that. But seemingly stupid TV can actually hide many nuggets of great writing and acting. “Buffy” […]
Too much flying. Too much up and down, and sitting on runways 25th in line. Too much fried food, and fast food, and food that comes in plastic. Too much bitter before lunch, and sweet after dinner. Too much driving, too much going left and getting lost. Travel sick.
After the treat of a moon over New York City, I found myself comfortable and cheery at my childhood home in Killingworth, CT. I had the pleasure of Saturday and Sunday night with my parents, catching up on all the political gossip with mom and watching the monster of the […]