I love podcasts. I don’t get to listen to all the ones I like all of the time, but I love knowing that interesting content – from polished news programs to amateur computing tips – are there at my command when I do have time. However, a trend has grown […]
Phase one of the home server upgrade, taking its operating system from Ubuntu 14.04 -> 16.04, was a fairly long process. In the wake of that upgrade I was left with a non-working MediaGoblin instance. Today, I took the next step: 16.04 -> 18.04. This went substantially better.
I’ve been putting it off for over a year: our home server is running an old Ubuntu Linux installation, and needs to be upgraded. Research and teaching and life intervened, and this upgrade fell farther and farther down the list. In the meantime, Ubuntu produced two stable releases… making the […]
We pass by St. Louis during our return trip to Texas. We have 90 minutes of driving left today before we call it quits.
By my own recollection, it was the spring of my second year in college. I was a sophomore who had stumbled in my physics and math classes at Yale. I had tasted what it was to no longer be the best student in your classes, and it was hard to […]
I spent a lot of time playing Minecraft with my nephews and sisters-in-law over the past few days. Here we see me speeding toward the house build by one of my sisters, Jackie, as the sun rises over the house. The railroad was the product of another sister, Jolene, who […]
We are headed south to Oshkosh. We should arrive around 6pm. It is pleasant but overcast today, and we seem to have left the heaviest part of the active snowfall.