In the Spring 2022 semester, SMU Honors Physics students will explore the physics of creative thinking. How would you solve a problem if all you had were a few odd items and your wits? There are endless possibilities to explore this semester. Join us for the Spring 2022 Honors Physics Section (PHYS 1010) to engage directly in these cross-cutting questions. I am very excited about our theme, and I look forward to working with all of you!
Stephen Sekula, Professor of Physics
This was the last Honors Physics course I taught at SMU before resigning from my faculty position in order to move to SNOLAB in Canada. I am forever grateful to the students who took this course. It was an honor to me to work with you in what turned out to be the last semester I taught undergraduates at SMU.
Coordinates | FOSC 123 Monday, 6:00pm-7:20pm |
Syllabus | Download the Syllabus |
Course Materials | Canvas Site (SMU Only) |
Instructors | ![]() Prof. Sekula |
The Honors Physics Section is intended to provide honors students with additional activities, information, and challenges to allow them to broaden and deepen their physics knowledge while concurrently taking the introductory physics course sequence. The framework of this syllabus is intended to allow honors students to go above and beyond the normal classroom environment without creating a huge additional burden on the students. Honors students should be looking to go a little further than non-honors students, and the syllabus reflects that.
Participants in the Honors Physics Section will engage in the following activities each semester:
- They will use class time to engage in learning exercises that synthesize information from the 130X introductory physics courses, allowing them to find more breadth and depth in the subject of physics.
- They will have access to expertise from outside the classroom environment, including faculty, staff, and students from SMU and other institutions, as well as individuals with a physics background working in private industry. The goal here is to enrich their learning environment by giving them direct access to experts at various levels of the field.
- They will engage in a coherent, semester-long project. Preparing for, and delivering, this project will be the focus of various activities throughout the semester. Honors students will be expected to learn to present their work to an audience, including (but not limited to) their peers in the Honors Physics Section.
- Students will pass or fail the section based on an assessment of their work and participation, to be determined by the instructor.
- Students earn the HONORS designation on their transcript by passing this section, having a GPA of 3.0 or better and earning a grade of a B or higher in the course corresponding to this honors section.