Jodi’s marathon training continues. She cranked it up to 15 miles today. We got up later than we wanted – closer to 06:30 – but made it to the Sawyer Trail by 7. Jodi’s been doing roughly 10-minute miles, though she shaved a total of 3 minutes off her entire run. I scooted ahead of her a few times – once to get her water refilled – just to crank up my pulse. I wound up biking about 18 miles, which is probably the most biking I’ve done since my bike trip around Washington Island (in Wisconsin) on our honeymoon.
I am a husband, son, and physicist. I am Research Group Manager in the Research Division at SNOLAB and a Professor of Physics at Queen's University. I like to do a little bit of everything: writing, running, biking, hiking, drumming, gardening, carpentry, computer programming, painting, drawing, eating and sleeping. I earned a Ph.D. in Physics in 2004 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, I love to spend time with my family. All things written in here are my own, unless otherwise attributed.
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