One of the necessary conditions for the universe to have achieved a state in which it is completely dominated by matter is that it had to pass through a period of non-equilibirum. A moment of rapid expansion, or *inflation*, near the beginning of time would have been just such a […]
Monthly Archives: March 2006
Today is an exciting day: the WMAP collaboration (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) has “released its three year data and data analysis”: I’ve just started looking through their results, but there is no doubt the precision cosmology they were able to do three years ago is even more exciting now! Recall […]
Jodi is currently in La Thuile, a mountain skiing town in northern Italy. She’s not there to ski, though – she’s presenting a comprehensive overview of direct-detection dark matter searches at the “20th Rencontres De Physique De La Vallee D’Aoste: Results And Perspective In Particle Physics”: She’s one of many […]
This weekend, as in last weekend, the San Francisco bay area is under a severe wind advisory. Last weekend, this meant nearly 100 mph winds in the bay around San Francisco, and 50 mph winds where I live. A series of rather unpleasant winter storms, gliding down the coast from […]
Every year, once a year, scientists who conduct research at the “Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC)”: and the “Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL)”: travel to Washington DC to lobby on behalf of particle physics and the physical sciences. This is a banner year for this visit, because the “President has […]