I am a huge fan of the Star Wars series. Even despite the rather poor quality of the prequels, I was engaged by the political and mythological exposition in the three movies. I delight in the mythology of the series, drawn from major world mythologies in human history. A lot […]
Daily Archives: August 12, 2006
The next day was worse. Here we go! August 4, 2006 – 7 am, Moscow Time I couldn’t sleep past 7, a disease I acquired in Moscow. International travel always does that to me. I got up, showered and repacked, and then had a delicious breakfast downstairs in the hotel. […]
My time in Moscow was excellent. Getting out – that was one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. Let me break this down for you. August 3, 2006 9:30 am I arrive at Sheremetvo-2 airport in a car co-hired by myself and two colleagues from England. We part […]
The plenary sessions at ICHEP were what I was most looking forward to, but they didn’t really deliver. I expected to catch some results that I missed during the parallels in the summary talks, but there wasn’t too much “hot stuff” that I hadn’t already seen. What was very clear […]
On the last night of the parallel sessions at ICHEP, a group of us went out for dinner. We were under the leadership of one of our Russian BaBar colleagues, Dmitriy, who wanted to do something a little “touristy” and go to a tram restaurant – a restaurant on rails. […]