In the wake of the omnibus bill, a lot of us have been working our asses off to squeeze the science out of the remaining time on our experiments. Many of us are getting ready to go to Washington D.C., to hold the Congress to the commitment it made to […]
Monthly Archives: January 2008
3 posts
Tonight, NPR’s “All Things Considered” interviewed Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate. During the interview, Romney spent about a minute on the topic of increasing the federal basic research funding profile. He was specifically talking about energy and energy independence, but at least that topic nominally includes ITER. […]
With the first state’s primary over with, and Obama and Huckabee out in front in the press, it’s perhaps interesting to revisit the issue of the candidates and science. Given the recent call for a debate by the candidates about science issues, one might now begin to wonder about the […]