Tonight on NPR was a timely story about why we can’t get the internet on our TV [1]. Most of the blame gets put on Cable companies and content producers in Hollywood (and other places). For me, the bottom line is: I DO have the internet on my TV – I don’t have to wait for some company to sort it out for me.
sTeVo lives on the internal LAN at home, and gets content from video feed, audio feed, Hulu, Joost, and anything else a web browser or podcast aggregator can access. That’s in addition to (digital) cable TV and DVDs. Jodi and I have fully integrated the computer and the living room.
My question is: if I can do it, why can’t anyone else? Maybe that’s the best argument for why sTeVo is better than TiVo or digital cable by themselves. I can get what I want, when I want, in my living room. Oh, the open-source life is sweet.