Jodi and I went down to Stanford tonight. We do this occasionally, to take a walk and maybe grab a cup of coffee. On our way back to the car, we saw a huge art piece sitting off on the side of the path. It was built from what looked […]
Over coffee at the dining room table this morning, Jodi and I churned out another episode of “The Two-Body Problem”, our (weekly?) netcast. You can grab it from the show’s website: This week, we were particularly interested in the recent immigration bill and the statements by NASA administrator Michael […]
Yesterday was a pretty good day. Jodi, a friend, and I hiked from Portola Road up through the Windy Hill open space preserve to Skyline Drive at the top of the Santa Cruz Mountains. The view from the top was stellar, not only because of the expanse of the Bay […]
Well, we finally did it. After making some intro/outro music on Apple’s GarageBand, sitting down at the kitchen table, and talking into a microphone, Jodi and I have finally made our first podcast. You can get it from: You can subscribe (using Amarok, iTunes, or a similar program), get […]
As promised, here are photos from our time during the Hunt for Dark Matter: Here’s another photo from the hunt for dark matter: This photo is the result of more gravitational lensing on colliding galaxy clusters. The blue halo represents the amount of lensing due to non-luminous (dark) matter. […]
I’ve been pretty nuts in the past two months. With the load of work spiking very suddenly in April in May, combined with working late and long hours, I felt pretty overwhelmed. This happens from time to time; it’s never pretty, and it takes its toll. However, I knew that […]
It’s summer conference season again. For a lot of us on BaBar, that means a lot of sacrifice. The data keeps coming, and lots of results come with it. A consequence of the “distracting” events in Europe is that fewer people seem to be feeling more of the load than […]
Jodi and I went to see “Spiderman 3” tonight. What really struck me about the movie is the level to which physics sneaks into the film. Quite apart from the fact that Spiderman largely respects the laws of gravity (he uses falling and redirection of momentum to move about, and […]
His actions marked the transition from the Soviet Union to the more uncertain Russian Federation. His life was marked by triumph and scandal. His death has been solemn, at least as reported in the West. Today, President Boris Yeltsin was laid to rest, his body open for viewing at the […]
There are lots of families here at APS. Breakfast for “companions”, kids along for talks. Pretty cool to see the physics community act like a community.
In my continuing quest to bike more, I wanted to go on a ride up our hill today. That sounds lame, but this is a serious hill. We started from our cottage, at about 450 feet. By the time my legs gave out, we’d gone about three miles and up […]
Jodi and I have a favorite Saturday breakfast place: Stacks, in Menlo Park. Yesterday, we got the corner table on the back terrace, which gave us lots of fresh air and sunshine to enjoy alongside breakfast. Behind us was a father and his little girl. She was probably about 5-7 […]