As I commented the last night, who could expect the Pope to do anything but come out in favor of Catholic doctrine? To better illustrate the fundamentalism, however, that he seems to have embraced, let’s contrast Cardinal Poupard’s measured reason with the Pope’s pop: Cardinal Poupard “But we also know […]
Nice “article in Slate, comparing Michael Behe’s ID testimony to a famous Monty Python sketch”: Right on target, I’d say…
I can’t sleep. This happens a few times a week. I go to bed tired and early, with the best of intentions. Two hours later my wife is sound asleep (she’s sound asleep 7 minutes after lights-out) and I’m staring at the infinite void of the ceiling. Every part of […]
I had the pleasure of a long visit by one of my oldest, dearest friends. Eric arrived here from Hartford last Thursday afternoon, and it was pretty much nonstop fun until this morning, when he flew back. Eric has several weeks’ worth of vacation accrued over the past year, and […]
Jodi and I are taking today to recover from head colds, stomach problems, shifts (me), and work (both of us). Ungh. We hit our favorite breakfast place this morning, then came back to tie up some little home/work things for the day (like finances and, for me, planning for 2006 […]
“New Orleans is in utter chaos”:;_ylt=AnJD_2nAkz_gYy_5_IA_tO2s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ–. I’m all for optimism, but it’s not clear to me that Federal officials are willing to back up all that talk. When even those in charge of New Orleans lose hope and cry for help, there can be no deeper desperation. What does it […]
NPR commentator “Daniel Schorr had a thought-provoking piece tonight on the cultural and religious implications of the debate about injecting non-scientific intelligent design into U.S. education”: Framing the “will of a designer” in the context of huge natural disasters, Mr. Schorr hits on an important philosphical question that you must […]
Whew. From the AP: “According to preliminary assessments by AIR Worldwide Corp., a risk assessment company, the insurance industry faces as much as $26 billion in claims from Katrina. That would make Katrina more expensive than the previous record-setting storm, Hurricane Andrew, which caused some $21 billion in insured losses […]
I’ve been longing for a chance to drum again of late. Well, for over a year, really. I’ve been saving for an electric drum kit. My “analog” one has no place it can be setup, so it’s been disassembled for years. That said, it’s been years since I’ve been in […]
“The NY Times has a long article on the history and finance of the Discovery Institute, as well as its campaign to inject non-science into the science classroom”: Here are a few things I found fascinating and scary: * “When someone says there’s one thing you can’t talk about, that’s […]
Dear America, I haven’t written to you in a while, and for that I am very sorry. The last time we spoke was in March, when I was in Washington D.C. There has been no stop to the work I’ve been doing here on the West Coast since then, and […]
I found that “Gallup poll that reports that 45% of Americans believe they were created in their present form by God 10,000 years ago”: I find a few of the other numbers in this study interesting. Given that a discussion of God and His role in the universe is one […]