Well, this probably is the worst year on record. Sigh. It had such potential. Last November, I was optimistic that I’d be done with my search for invisible decays of the Upsilon, I’d have at least one other publication in addition from another rare decay search, and that by now […]
Jodi and I finished dinner tonight and the suggestion arose that we shouldgo to a local cafe for cake, coffee, and a little atmosphere. She had some work to do on a research project, something she could do with her Powerbook, and I had a paper to edit and some […]
One of the pleasures of being a post-doc is to see the next generation of scientist enter graduate school, wrestle with classes and exams and research, and achieve their Ph.D. A part of this, which doesn’t always happen, is also the personal struggle. In high school, I was certain that […]
YAWN STRETCH OW! Well, at least I won’t need my legs to type this. This morning, Jodi and I met friends at Sequoia High School down at the bottom of our hill. The occasion was not breakfast and coffee, though it became clear an hour later that both of those […]
Today, the linux world has a new member. A student with whom I work received a linux laptop today, a great little machine from System 76 [1]. In celebration of the open-source goodness of linux, I list a few of my favorite applications and plugins for linux and open-source software. […]
At one of the first Republican Presidential candidate debates, three of the contenders raised their hands when asked if they do not believe in evolution. These were Tom Tancredo, a Congressman from Colorado, Senator Sam Brownback, and former Governor Mike Huckabee. Since then, they’ve been clarifying their position [1]. This […]
The mad rush to the summer conferences is almost over, and while I am still trying to wrap up the research projects I’ve been working on for many months, I am thinking ahead to other projects that I’d like to start in the autumn. The BaBar experiment offers many opportunities […]
I finally had a chance this week to listen to the Senate testimony of Dr. James Holsinger, the President’s choice for Surgeon General. It’s taken me a few days to digest and form some impressions. I’ll try to communicate them here. My most global observation is that Holsinger stands for […]
As Jodi and I discussed on our podcast this Sunday [1], deadlines and time pressures make people nuts. In physics, this is the kooky season, as the big conferences – EPS (European Physical Society), SUSY07, and Lepton-Photon ’07 approach. Over the next 1.5 months, thousands of physicists from across the […]
It wasn’t on C-SPAN, but I found it from capitolhearings.com on the Senate’s Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee website: http://help.senate.gov/Hearings/2007_07_12/2007_07_12.html More to follow, I assume…
If anyone can find Dr. Holsinger’s testimony in front of the Senate, I’d appreciate you dropping me a note (post a comment). I can’t find it on C-SPAN, but maybe it’s just not uploaded yet…?
With Surgeon General Carmona’s departure from the Bush administration, it’s time for the President to do what he does best: appoint qualified people for high-ranking positions in our Executive Branch. I’d say that the President has done a heckuva job so far. The current position that is open is the […]