The Personal Blog of Stephen Sekula

Looking South

The horror of last year’s hurricane season, and its effects on Louisiana and Mississippi, were too many to count. While much of the nation has apparently lost interest in the plight of the South, as a scientist I am very much aware and concerned about this new hurricane season. Already, there has been one named storm. While probability is certainly on New Orleans’ side this year, a storm has to hit land someplace.

To keep up with the sense of the society in New Orleans, I’ve been checking out “Metroblogging New Orleans”:, a blog of the goings on in and around the city. Not every city along the Gulf Coast can have an active blog community like New Orleans, but this seems to be a good way to keep one finger on the pulse.

If you want to take those tax dollars and put them to work for you, check out the “NOAA National Hurricane Center”: They’re tracking data for the Atlantic, Carribean, and Gulf regions, making predictions, and forecasting storms.