It’s been a few days since I returned from Sweden. The flight back was uneventful, and I highly recommend Scandinavian Airlines for traveling to northern Europe. They were very nice, generous with food and alcohol, and nice planes. Not bad for cross-Atlantic coach! Today, I checked the workshop website and found the group pictures taken by Tord Ekelof and Per Osland:
The photo to the left is one of the group pics, taken by Tord. This was done in the Anatomical Theater, at the top of the Museum Gustavium. For my own pics, check out the photos here:
This is a very brief reprieve. This turns out to be a very critical week for shepherding analyses to the DPF conference in Hawaii (Division of Particles and Fields), as well as completing the research my colleagues and I are doing. Getting things ship-shape for publication suddenly got kicked up a notch…