This picture is a bleak reminder of 2005 [1]: My thoughts continue to be with all residents of the Caribbean and Florida as they recover from Gustav, and with residents of the Gulf coast as they prepare for the worst and hope for the best. [1]
Daily Archives: August 31, 2008
3 posts
Something on the Sunday talk show, “Meet the Press”, caught my attention. Today’s show was hosted by Tom Brokaw, a favorite of mine in the news business. He interviewed Gov. Tom Pawlenty of Minnesota, Co-chair of the RNC convention in the Twin Cities. Gov. Pawlenty was acting as a “Vox […]
At breakfast today, a friend of mine informed me that Obama had finally responded to the 14 science policy questions sent to the candidates months ago [1]. These questions arose from the “Science Debate 2008” grass-roots effort, an effort supported by 38,000 signers to get the presidential candidates to engage […]