This summer is going to be another one of those insane summers. Next week I’ll be at CERN for the ATLAS Physics Week. This will be my first (of many) trips to CERN in quite some time, and I am excited to see how the place has changed now that the LHC is nearly in full swing. The week after that Jodi and I will be apartment/house hunting in Dallas, and spending time getting to know the city and its suburbs a lot better so that we know we’re happy with where we choose to live. After that, there is a brief break until the BaBar collaboration meeting in Valencia, Spain. While I am not going, I have lots to do ahead of that meeting.
Just a few weeks after that all of our stuff will go on a truck and head to Dallas. We’re aiming for a mid-July move to Dallas so that we have time to unpack, explore, and get settled before our jobs formally start on August 1. I’m super-excited about the move. I’ve grown really tired of living in California, and while I know I could spend the rest of my life here I am happy that I do not have to. Yes, I couldn’t have guessed a decade or even a year ago that I’d be starting a life in Dallas, but that’s the beauty of life – it’s full of unexpected and VERY pleasant surprises.
All of this means a few things. Our website will go off-line in mid-July until we re-locate to Dallas and get our network setup. Blogging will be less frequent, given how insane my schedule has become. Maybe that just means I’ll post fewer fluff pieces. 🙂