Monthly Archives: May 2013
♬All by myself / In a meeting room / All by myself♬ (international collaboration is lonely when everyone else is on the phone…) This was posted on Google+…
Many years ago, I opted to give the federated social web a try. I was impressed by platforms like Twitter and, later, Facebook, but unimpressed by the “walled garden” attitude of many of those platforms (that includes Google+, where I am presented composing this entry). For my primary social web […]
Kills cancer cells in a petri dish Thank-you, XKCD, for putting this favorite line of many newspapers (“Kills cancer cells in a petri dish”) in perspective. +Ben Goldacre would be proud, I hope… 🙂 xkcd: Cells ; >|. Permanent link to this comic: Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): Selected […]
The Cockcroft-Walton Koffler particle accelerator at the Wiezmann Institute of Science. This was posted on Google+…
During this week’s ATLAS Experiment Beyond-the-Standard Model Higgs working group meeting in Israel, our hosts at the Weizmann Institute of Science organized an afternoon and evening trip to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is about 45 minutes from Rehovot, so we boarded a bus around 14:00 and arrived in Jerusalem about an hour […]