He got it all on the first cut. All stitched up and heading home. My job today: rest and ice to reduce the swelling.
Yearly Archives: 2013
Off to have my little basal cell carcinoma removed! I will post photos as the Mohs Surgery proceeds…
Gotta hand the folks at Wunderground some credit on this one – I love their “Climate Change” tab, and especially the way they have organized the evidence for climate change. Hats off to you! http://www.wunderground.com/climate/evidence.asp?MR=1
♬All by myself / In a meeting room / All by myself♬ (international collaboration is lonely when everyone else is on the phone…) This was posted on Google+…
Many years ago, I opted to give the federated social web a try. I was impressed by platforms like Twitter and, later, Facebook, but unimpressed by the “walled garden” attitude of many of those platforms (that includes Google+, where I am presented composing this entry). For my primary social web […]
Kills cancer cells in a petri dish Thank-you, XKCD, for putting this favorite line of many newspapers (“Kills cancer cells in a petri dish”) in perspective. +Ben Goldacre would be proud, I hope… 🙂 http://xkcd.com/1217/ xkcd: Cells ; >|. Permanent link to this comic: http://xkcd.com/1217/ Image URL (for hotlinking/embedding): http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/cells.png. Selected […]