I’ll be live-blogging observations and thoughts on the back-and-forth between the two leading U.S. Presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, during tonight’s first debate. This page should update as I post new entries. If not, refresh it. I will be looking at the debate from the perspective of assessing […]
Monthly Archives: September 2016
Scientific American recently published the responses they received from many US President Candidates regarding questions on science and scientific matters. In this post, I apply the skills we expect from the practice of good argument and scientific thinking to assess the questions and the responses. Let’s focus on the “Research” […]
I thought it might be nice to reflect on the physics that I am most interested in understanding during this second run of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). In this post, I will discuss the Higgs boson, its expected interaction with bottom quarks, and how we have come to understand […]
Scientific American recently published the responses they received from many US President Candidates regarding questions on science and scientific matters. In this post, I apply the skills we expect from the practice of good argument and scientific thinking to assess the questions and the responses. Let’s focus on the “Innovation” […]
The first “debate” [1] between US Presidential candidates is coming up soon, on September 26. Recently, Scientific American published some of the candidates’ answers to a series of questions grounded in scientific issues and the policies that could be associated with those issues. In a series of posts on this […]
We’re mid-campaign in the US Presidential Election. How are the candidates holding up? Running for President entails the use of vast amounts of propaganda. Some of it is aligned with facts, much of it is not. How are the major party candidates doing after months of slinging accusations back and […]
We zip through Oshkosh after a brief stop. Have to keep moving North. We have appointments to keep and still many hours left to this drive.
Sure, it is cloudy, but the weather is so pleasant. We are approaching Oshkosh on our trek north. I like the country out here. Very green and very open, dotted by farms and popping with flowers right now.
We begin the trek north for a family event weekend in Wisconsin. Of course, we begin this trip the way all trips north in Wisconsin should begin: stuck in Milwaukee traffic.
This summer was not only for physics research and astronomy teaching. I was also focused on a personal goal: fitness and weight-loss. My goal was to get below 190lbs this past summer. Given that I began this goal after a slight uptick in weight in the Spring, from 200lbs to […]