Yearly Archives: 2018
We pass by St. Louis during our return trip to Texas. We have 90 minutes of driving left today before we call it quits.
By my own recollection, it was the spring of my second year in college. I was a sophomore who had stumbled in my physics and math classes at Yale. I had tasted what it was to no longer be the best student in your classes, and it was hard to […]
I spent a lot of time playing Minecraft with my nephews and sisters-in-law over the past few days. Here we see me speeding toward the house build by one of my sisters, Jackie, as the sun rises over the house. The railroad was the product of another sister, Jolene, who […]
We are headed south to Oshkosh. We should arrive around 6pm. It is pleasant but overcast today, and we seem to have left the heaviest part of the active snowfall.
We could see the bottom of the whirlpool all black with sand and mud, and the men were at their wit’s ends for fear. Homer, “The Odyssey”, Book XII In our book, “Reality in the Shadows,” Jim Gates, Frank Blitzer and I revisit the first time human set eyes on […]