The NY Times reported that the results of an extensive study comparing diets found that it was calorie reduction, independent of the means by which calories were reduced, that caused weight loss [1]. Surprise, surprise. As cranky Maryland physicist Bob Park has put it many times before [2], Eighty-five percent […]
I love that you can watch the show “Big Bang Theory” on United flights. There is something deeply satisfying to a particle physicist about a whole plane full of people exposed to a situation comedy about young researchers at the frontiers of their respective fields.
Oh, sweet three-day weekend. After the last few weeks, having a couple of days to sleep in sounds like heaven. I started off on the right foot last night by doing a little drum practice on my electric kit (my sweet Christmas present from my family). Ah, rest. What’s amazing […]
Oh, the sexy life of a physicist. All that thinking, all that writing-some-of-it-down-sometimes, all that travel and big machinery, big ideas and big discoveries. For a human being, doing all that sexiness is also a pain in the ass. This month is a good example; it’s the kind of month […]
I’ve been neglecting the science and journal aspects of this blog for some time. The reasons are good – I have been focusing on the things that have been demanding my time since the Christmas break. Mainly, faculty job search-related activities, ramping up for this year’s lobbying trip to Washington […]
I just had the opportunity to try the new artificial sweeter, “Stevia”. I was on a coffee break in a nearby building when it was pointed out to me that a small shaker of Stevia was available. I shook some into the palm of my hand and licked. I believe […]
The first half of our travels are nearly over. We set out from northern Wisconsin a little later than planned, but that was fine. We arrive in Milwaukee later than expected, but that’s also fine; we saw our last sunset in Wisconsin on this trip. Last one for 2008, in […]
As I go into the holidays, with lots of traveling and interrupted internet and phone service, I wanted to reward my faithful readers with my tech pick favorites for 2008. I think these are the things that you should check out in the new year. These are not things that […]
What a week. It started at SFO, in a way, and it’s ending here too. SFO is all decked out in holiday cheer – candy cane light posts, snowflakes projected on the big glass wall of the international terminal, a mock-up of the Golden Gate Bridge done in red lights […]
In order to get some work done today, free from the pressures of an open-office-door policy, Jodi has escaped to an undisclosed location (with me in tow, happy to also get work done). She and at least one of her colleagues will be here today, and then we’ll eventually shuffle […]
For those of us who experienced high school in the nineties, especially high school in suburbs or more rural parts of America, there is a certain experience one had with those around you. I was a nerd, not very sociable, and that made me uninterested in parties. But it made […]
Did anybody see this? Yikes! Kidding. I had a lot of fun being interviewed for this review. It’s very surreal to be part of something like this. I’m just glad somebody finally asked about the title of the blog so I could explain it. It only took 684 posts!