What exactly are students in Kansas’ public schools to be taught about science? That was the question on my mind as I drove home tonight. I finished my dinner and sat down at my laptop, eager to pull up the science standards from Kansas to see if science was everywhere […]
Daily Archives: November 8, 2005
3 posts
I just went to the Kansas State Board of Ed website and found a link to the “August 9 draft of the standards”:http://www.ksde.org/outcomes/scstdworkingdoc892005.pdf, which are presumeably close to the final version. I’m going to check them out tonight.
It’s a good day, and a miserable day, all at once. This day is like a simultaneous quantum superposition that, once collapsed, remained in a state of indefinite distinction. I awoke this morning a little after 6 so that Jodi and I could hit the polls before she boarded her […]