The Personal Blog of Stephen Sekula

Not in My Backyard!

By the title, you might think I’m talking in the same scare tactics that conservatives use to induce fear about medical procedures like abortion. I’m not. I’m talking about cyclotrons. That’s right… cyclotrons.

“Not in my backyard!”, says Alaska. Don’t believe me? “Check it out”:,1283,69726,00.html

The best part is the quote by an Alaska Assemblyman:

But assemblyman Tesche says noble intentions don’t outweigh potential risks and nuisances. He and others fear a particle accelerator could pose hazards such as radiation leak risks to nearby residences. They also think the large amount of electricity it consumes could drain available power in the neighborhood.

“We in Alaska embrace technology, and we love it – but we would like to see this in a hospital or industrial area, where it belongs,” Tesche said. “We don’t need cyclotrons operating out of back alleys, or in someone’s garage.”