According to the New York Times, “in a poll released yesterday 42% of Americans believe that all life has existed unchanged since the beginning of time, while 60% believe that either a creationist or intelligent design doctrine is the way to go”: Dr. Eugenie Scott, and outspoken supporter of teaching […]
In this, the third in a series of short essays about the structure of our universe, I will introduce you to a mysterious and elusive particle, the neutrino. This essay will do the work of three, since there are three different kinds of neutrinos. Their histories are closely linked, so […]
*Sigh*. I decided to see if the “NCSE”: had any info on the statements made by Bush on teaching the hypothesis of “intelliget design” in the science classroom. Oh, they had plenty. First and foremost, a link to the “most recent issue of Time dealing centrally with the ongoing debate […]
Jodi and I hit Borders Bookstore and Cafe last night. It’s one of those regular consumer things we do: go to a bookstore, browse, buy things we shouldn’t buy, and drink some caffeinated beverages and talk. We were scanning the new arrivals last night, when I noticed that Senator Rick […]
As reported by the Associated Press, “the Kansas State Board of Education has started internal personal attacks over the issue of science education standards”:;_ylt=Aq5Y1YhEiEiFnO2zSr2eYQUPLBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl. Some personal venom is being exchanged between the subcommittee members, who held their sham hearings on the Theory of Evolution, and those who would maintain the […]
Well, “it looks like the Kansas State Board of Education is gearing up to revise state science education standards to try to make the theory of evolution look weak”: The subcommittee that held the hearings has made this recommendation, and the board is set to vote on the proposal to […]
“There is a strong Washington Post editorial that takes a fairly critical look at the recent behavior of Kansas in reviewing the educational, scientific validity of the Theory of Evolution”: I am fairly fond of this framing of the hypothesis of “intelligent design”: Intelligent design is not your parents’ creationism. […]
Well, it appears to be the end of not only day 3 of the Kansas state board of education hearings, but also of the arguments by those who adhere to the hypothesis of intelligent design and the religious doctrine of Biblical creationism. I “just noticed the Kansas City Star article […]
It’s day 3 of the hearings in Kansas, held by the state board of education to determine whether science standards should be lowered to weaken the position of the theory of evolution in the classroom. The “Washington Post has an article from the AP reporting that the witnesses are betraying […]
As far as I can tell, the Kansas state Board of Education hearings on revising science standard is not televised or webcast, so I am resolved to using Google news oy Yahoo! news to learn what little is in the press. The rash of suicide bombings is blotting out coverage […]
Tomorrow, the State of Kansas start four days of hearings about the role of evolution, and how it should be approached, in the state’s science education standards. Already, the “venom has been injected by both sides in this debate”: What I think all scientists need to remember is that theories […]