Today, the following things – which have not happened in over a year – happened: I commuted to SMU with Jodi and essentially during rush hour. I stood, albeit masked, in a moderately socially distanced crowd. I was able to clap with a group of people and have all the […]
Just over a year ago I took my last trip of any kind beyond a 20 mile radius from my house. It had been a trip I was very excited for. In late February of 2020 I was headed to CERN for a workshop on software development. The software was […]
A wonderful Valentine’s Day breakfast made a cold day a little warmer. There was already about a half inch of snow on the ground when we awoke. We bundled up in many layers and went for a walk. There was a bitter wind in our faces near the end, but […]
After 9 months of mental and emotional assault from the COVID-19 pandemic, trapped in my own home and unable to live like a normal human being, my body had suffered. Already, before the pandemic, the signs had been building. Back in 2018, I was in the grip of crippling depression. […]
Since Wednesday, I, like most Americans, have been trying to make sense of the events of that day. I find it’s usually best to begin with the facts, so that’s where I will start this reflection. Wednesday was to be devoted to proposal writing. After reading the newspaper, then eating […]
It’s December 29, it’s about 60F outside, and I had a fantastic 7-mile run today. It’s been rough-going for outdoor exercise lately, with the weather conditions swinging between the 30s and the 60s, but today’s running conditions were just perfect. My mile times are terrible, owing to fact that despite […]
“Ring-a-round the rosie … “ The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn won’t be this visually stunning until the 2080s, when Jodi and I will both be long dead. The skies are clear over North Texas, and we resolve to take out our telescope and setup in a nearby park […]
The coronavirus has continued to burn through the United States. Americans divided and unable to agree on even basic science-based measures to mitigate the pandemic, have been dry kindling to this slow, patient, steady forest fire of infection. A large segment of the population has chosen to live in ignorance, […]