While storms swept through the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex yesterday, today they created a new and dangerous line far east of the area. On our walk tonight, Jodi and I looked west and saw nothing but clear blue skies. East of us, however, we saw a wall of yellow-gray storm clouds. […]
Monthly Archives: October 2010
The term “social network” is ironic, because it largely applies to systems on the internet that are themselves anti-social. For instance, Facebook and Twitter don’t really talk directly to each other. If I have one group of friends on Twitter and another on Facebook, I have to use a third-party […]
In his collection of essays, Profiles of the Future, Arthur C. Clark famously penned three “laws of prediction.” The third of these is the most widely quoted, and simply states that “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” [1] While in Fry’s tonight, Jodi and I happened by some […]
A few weeks ago, I was lying on the couch browsing RSS news feed headlines on my open-source “TiVO” (called STiVO – I’ve mentioned it before…), when I saw on the linux.org news feed that a letter-writing campaign was in gear. The Free Software Foundation, whose work I deeply appreciate […]
Don’t want to believe me, a practicing scientist, when I talk about the false science pitched by the Discovery Institute? Take it from the mouth of a religious scholar [1]. SMU’s Chair of Religious Studies, Dr. Mark Chancey, today rebutted the Victory Campus Ministry’s opinion piece [2], which itself rebutted […]