Yearly Archives: 2011
A little piece of life as we were leaving Connecticut on our way back to Texas. Thank-you, airport security. [audio:|titles=Bradley Airport Alert]
I photographed this in an abandoned pedestrian tunnel stairwell in Palo Alto, CA, in April of 2010. Seems prescient now.
Me and a lot of my friends and family members are doing a lot of traveling during these holidays. A lot of us bring electronics with us to entertain during the tedious flights. As a scientist, I want to make the lives of flight attendants easier by being well-behaved, but […]
Fresh from the Texas Freedom Network (TFN), here are their favorite anti-science quotes of the year: By “favorite,” I of course mean the quotes that probably ensaddened the staff at TFN. TFN ” . . . is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of more than 50,000 religious and community leaders. […]
There is too much interesting science that happens in a single year. No one person can capture it in a single article. I choose to focus on the things that align with my own personal interests, and provide information about them so you can learn more. They are in no […]
Sing, sad little Christmas bell! [audio:|titles=Sing, sad little Christmas bell!]
It’s time for another popcorn science. An oft-repeated claim, backed by few thoughts or facts, is that the U.S. Federal Government should take a cue from Main Street and run its budget like a household runs its budget. Households, so the claim goes, work within their constraints and don’t carry […]
The insane lightshow in the nearby town of Fairview. [stream provider=video base=x:/ flv=christmas_show.mp4 embed=true share=true width=400 height=300 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]