Thanksgiving is one of the few holidays in the U.S. It’s sad that our culture doesn’t have a consistent attitude toward recharging and refreshing the mind and the body. At least we have Thanksgiving. At our house, this has become a tradition of having family and friends fly in and […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
We created our maple brine today. This is for brining the Thanksgiving turkey that Jodi will cook in our smoker on Thursday. Enjoy these photos!
Today, we began lecturing about one of the hardest things to discuss: how creationism and intelligent design are not science. I know . . . to a scientist who keeps their scientific life separate from their religious life, this sounds strange. But the reality is that for many people without […]
Good timing! The company – Boiron – that produces that same homeopathic sleeping pill that we overdosed on in Friday’s lecture also recently published a TERRIBLE study of their migraine “remedy.” It’s a great example of how bad science can seem legitimate by making its way into a journal. The […]
“It’s raining (on veteran’s day)” a poem by Stephen J. Sekula It’s raining on Veteran’s Day (cliché), and when I walked up to the wall – rain drenching the National Mall – I ran my hands along its dark and glistening surface where the names are carved, cracks in a […]
I thought it might be useful to write a short post on what is rapidly becoming one of my favorite lectures in Cultural Formations B/Physics 3333 at SMU: homeopathy. Prof. Randy Scalise and I delivered the lecture yesterday, and the audio is available here (I excerpted it from the recording […]
Short, well-written and thoughtfully considered excursions into the heart of science. Thanks, Brian! Skeptoid: Critical Analysis Podcast Skeptoid is a weekly science podcast dedicated to furthering knowledge by blasting away the widespread pseudosciences that infect popular culture, and replacing them with way cooler reality. This was posted on Google+…