Since January, I have been embarked on a data-driven lifestyle. What does this mean? It means that I have been meticulously tracking my levels of activity during the day using a Fitbit device [1]. I have been keeping careful track of my eating habits using Loseit [2]. I have also […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
The Higgs Boson Explained! (for idiots) Higgs Boson for Idiots Higgs Boson for Idiots Latest episode of MyMusic: TUMBLR: http://www.jackisan This was posted on Google+…
OK, that’s it. I cannot take it anymore. STFU. This is a time to mourn, not fight the pro-gun-control or pro-second-amendment culture war. STFU. Stop speculating on why parents bring kids to a midnight showing of anything, and thus – by implication – blaming the parents for the deaths or […]
I can’t believe that I forgot to blog about this until now. About a month ago, the Texas Republican Party met for its state convention. Besides deciding whom they support for the Republican presidential bid, they also decided on their platform for the next two years. As expected, the Texas […]
Stephen Colbert’s commentary segment, "The Word," was right on target on Tuesday night. After returning from vacation, The Colbert Report took on the Texas Republican Party Platform plank on critical thinking . . . specifically, on banning critical thinking in Texas. Here ya go, America.—on-the-straight—narrow-minded Colbert Report: The Word […]
Science Based Medicine has a very good blog post on the snakeoil diet known as the “HCG Diet.” I have an acquaintance who swears by it and even admits that she’s willing to pay for the placebo effect. This post also outlines the dangers associated with the low-calorie diet and […]
Thanks to Randy Scalise for bringing this excellent graphic from the Romney campaign to my attention. The Texas Republican party recently put in their platform a plank that called for an end to teaching critical thinking; this graphic suggests, as is the wisdom, that what happens in Texas has wide-ranging […]
Larry Smith bluntly explains why you will NOT have a great career. Right on point.
Is anyone else creeped out by the “Higgs” character in the Symmetry Magazine photoshop contest [1]? I am. All I can think of is Towlie from “South Park,” because they look a lot alike. All I hear is Higgsie saying, “You guys wanna get high (pT)?” I know this, by […]
Yesterday, a high court in the U.S. ruled in favor of the Environmental Protection Agency’s use of regulatory power to put constraints on greenhouse gas emission (since EPA judged them a threat to public health). The high court’s ruling [1] included this gem of a statement: “It makes no difference […]