Jodi got invited by the DFW Tap Talks organization to give a short talk for the public. I tagged along for the event. I have always wanted to check out one of these “science on tap” talks, and I was not disappointed! It was a great night of 20 minute talks, one each on physics, artificial intelligence, and biology. In between there was a chance for speakers to mingle with the audience (the event was packed – I had to sit upstairs to get a table), grab a beer, and grab some awesome food.

One of the organizers was a student Jodi and I met thanks to Twitter. She is now pursuing a degree in Physics in the DFW area. It was great to be able to see what she is involved in and to reconnect during the evening.

We stayed at a bed and breakfast in Arlington. We are not kids anymore, and driving all the way back to home across the Metroplex at 10pm was not in the cards for us. Our room at the B&B was great, and even came with a closet with a mysterious door in the back. Pretty sure there was either a lion, a witch, or a wardrobe in there.
Kidding. It was an unfinished attic space.