Monthly Archives: January 2021
Running: burned 966 calories, ran 5.0 miles. Walking: burned 253 calories, walked 2.32 miles Intake: 1935 calories Goal: 2330 net calories Weight: 212.3 lbs
Exercise: 117 minutes of walking, burned 592 calories Intake: 2973 calories Goal: 2330 net calories Weight: 213.4 lbs
Walking: burned 233 calories walking 1.96 milesElliptical: burned 300 calories in 49 minutes Intake: 2909 calories Goal: 2330 net calories
Walking: burned 292 calories walking 2.63 miles Elliptical: 12 minutes, 57 calories (just to achieve step goal) Intake: 2544 calories Goal: 2330 net calories
Walking: burned 331 calories, 2.90 milesRunning: burned 708 calories, 3.63 milesIntake: 2110 caloriesGoal: 2330 net caloriesWeight: 212.1 lbs (-1.7 lbs since Jan. 8, 2021)
It’s one thing to call on people to think critically. It’s another to know how to do that. Like all skills, critical thinking almost never comes naturally; it must be learned, and in many cases this is because it runs counter to instinct. Humans are very good at pattern recognition, […]
Since Wednesday, I, like most Americans, have been trying to make sense of the events of that day. I find it’s usually best to begin with the facts, so that’s where I will start this reflection. Wednesday was to be devoted to proposal writing. After reading the newspaper, then eating […]