I’ve returned from CT. I had a great time, although there was some rough going with my stomach for a few days (on and off). I think I overdid it on the wings and picked up a stomach bug, which my dad also caught (he doesn’t eat hot wings). Still, […]
With all the disagreement about how to proceed on global climate change, you begin to forget that not that long ago energy companies were paying scientists to go out in public and speak against the science of climate change. We have gone from an era where scientists themselves were issue […]
There’s been a lot of discussion of late about whether a certain President of a certain nation should be welcomed to speak at Columbia University, in New York City. Many people seemed to think that giving a platform to voices like his is dangerous, even in an academic setting. Many […]
A month ago, I mentioned that our car was broken into and a number of canvas shopping bags were stolen [1]. The reason we have them is the same reason people buy canvas shopping bags: we’re more and more tired of only having the choice of paper or plastic. Neither […]
Airlines have us by the genitals. We pay hundreds of dollars to sit well within accepted standards of personal space, pay $5 more for crappy food, and breathe dry, recycled air. Then the unthinkable happens: they try to sell us a credit card? That’s right. Sitting here, two hours into […]
On my morning flight to Denver, I caught up on some Science Friday podcasts. The one on the Chevy Volt reminded me how crappy American innovation has become. The GM spokeswoman proudly touted that their best offered vehicle will (later this year) be a Saturn Hybrid that gets 28/35 MPG […]
As a physicist, I do a lot of flying. Many physicists do a hell of a lot more, and many do less. I get to conferences and workshops, or join my wife at her experiment, four to five times a year. Throwing in family visits, unexpected life events, and vacations, […]
My good friend Eric posted a piece in his blog today about “Connecticut seeking to ban violent songs from being taken into school”:http://blogs.courant.com/eric_danton_sound_check/2007/02/bombs_bursting_.html. This got me thinking, and I posted my thoughts as a (yet to be moderated) comment in his blog. I reproduce them here: At last, we can […]
I’m sorry . . . I’ve been laughing my ass off about this today. I am sure this wasn’t funny for Boston, and I apologize in advance for having a sense of humor, but this story just loosens my bowels it’s so ridiculous. Yes, that’s the first time “bowels” has […]
This past Friday, on “Talk of the Nation: Science Friday”, a half-hour of the two-hour program was devoted to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Higgs particle [SciFriLHC]. The guests were luminaries of the hadron and future collider world – the spokesman of the CDF collaboration at Fermilab (Konigsberg), […]
Astute readers noted they couldn’t comment on blog entries because of a bug in CoreBlog. I have fixed this. Go ahead and shred me!
Sometimes, life is more like Fox News than the Daily Show. Yesterday was a prime example of that, perhaps more evidence that my poor country is collectively going bat-shit crazy. What happened? A woman on a flight from London to Washington appears to have been unable to control her claustrophobia. […]