*Sigh*. I decided to see if the “NCSE”:http://www.ncseweb.org had any info on the statements made by Bush on teaching the hypothesis of “intelliget design” in the science classroom. Oh, they had plenty. First and foremost, a link to the “most recent issue of Time dealing centrally with the ongoing debate […]
Wowsers. “Harvard is making a funded effort to gather more data about the origin of life in the Universe.”:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/08/14/AR2005081401070.html I’m not a big fan about how this Washington Post article begins, however: “Harvard University is joining the long-running debate over the theory of evolution by launching a research project to […]
I’ve had the pleasure and the pain of being a BaBar reviewer for the past year on an analysis of the rare process b->sγ. This analysis has been in preparation for years, and believe it or not the analysts (and the review committee) worked on this thing pretty much continuously […]
This week was a very exciting week, both for the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (“SLAC”:http://www.slac.stanford.edu), where I do my research, and for me personally. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman, a member of the U.S. Cabinet and head of the U.S. Department of Energy, visited SLAC to learn more about the […]
Jodi and I hit Borders Bookstore and Cafe last night. It’s one of those regular consumer things we do: go to a bookstore, browse, buy things we shouldn’t buy, and drink some caffeinated beverages and talk. We were scanning the new arrivals last night, when I noticed that Senator Rick […]
“Here’s a man who really knows science and who really knows government,” Specter said. “So it is a very, very profound change. It’s an earthquake.” That’s a quote from Sen. Arlen Specter, concerning the shift in position on Federally funded stem cell research made by Senate majority leader, Sen. Bill […]
There’s been a lot of hubbub lately about the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s nascent investigation into a very particular set of climate science. This science, conducted by Dr. Michael Mann and two colleagues (who have also been requested to present documents for this investigation), demonstrates that that average global […]
I here reproduce the excerpt of Rep. Sherwood Boehlert’s (R-NY) letter to Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) regarding Barton’s initiation of a political inquiry into a scientific study of climate change. This excerpt is taken from “AIP FYI #112”:http://www.aip.org/fyi/2005/112.html. From the FYI: In response to these letters, House Science Committee Chairman […]
“Science Friday discussed the recent authoring of letters by Rep. Barton to three climate scientists, requesting they submit their records for review by Barton and his colleagues”:http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4766641.
It’s sad. I know it was a busy day on the Hill, but every day is a busy day on the Hill. So when I read that “only three U.S. Senators from the Senate Commerce subcommittee on global climate change attended hearings where the new head of the National Academies […]
There are only a few stories that just plain worry me. Most of them I find horrific, but somehow amusing (i.e. the suing of NASA by an astrologer over their recent comet mission). However, a story that is gaining momentum is the “request of U.S. Rep. Barton, member of the […]
NERD: The **N**eed to **E**xperiment on my **Rotten** **D**SL The NERD experiment is a very, very small effort to understand why the SBC Yahoo! DSL service provided to my residence is so freaking crappy. The collaboration, centered in Redwood City, CA, has recently collected its first month of data and […]