Running: burned 1030 calories in 5.7 miles. Walking: burned 202 calories in 37 minutes. Intake: 2572 calories. Goal: 2290 net calories.
Running: burned 971 calories in 5.37 miles. Walking: burned 169 calories in 30 minutes. Intake: 2826 calories. Goal: 2290 calories.
We are well over the one-year mark on the global COVID-19 pandemic. Progress is uneven. The U.S., for example, spent much of the last year at war with itself over basic scientific common sense. Instead of embracing cost-effective protocols like masking and social distancing, right-wing elements of the U.S. chose […]
Walking: burned 315 calories in 63 minutes. Intake: 2711 calories. Goal: 2290 net calories. (Secret surprise cheat day!)
Running: burned 951 calories running 5.23 miles. Walking: burned 200 calories in 35 minutes. Intake: 2549 calories. Goal: 2290 net calories. Weight: 201.2lbs
Walking: burned 185 calories in 33 minutes. Running: burned 1088 calories in 65 minutes. Intake: 2358 calories. Goal: 2290 net calories. Weight: 201.1lbs.
Good news! My body reacted to the second Pfizer vaccination shot, generating an immune response that gave me body aches for about 22 hours. AWESOME! My body knows how to identify and fight SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-coated invaders! Walking: burned 267 calories in 60 minutes. Intake: 2897 calories. Goal: 2290 net […]