I just got my new U.S. passport today, after only sending the paperwork in about 1.5 weeks ago. Crazy. A little brochure came with the passport, its cover reading “With Your U.S. Passport, the World is Yours!” I’m writing an open letter to the U.S. State Department in response to […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
An article in today’s NY Times, forwarded to me by a friend, notes that the LHC may face a threat other than the realities of a slipping schedule when building a one-of-a-kind, frontier physics experiment: the law. That’s right! THE LAW. [1] Specifically, a lawsuit brought in a Hawaiian court […]
It’s fun to see how friends and colleagues get around on the internet. Here’s a blog post by a friend of my colleague, Dan Hooper, describing the then upcoming trip to DC. Enjoy! Madison Physicist/Musician Goes to Washington to Fight for Science Here was the post-trip follow-up – nicely summarizes […]
It seems that every time WMAP releases a fresh analysis of its latest data, I learn something wholly new about the universe. Last week, WMAP released an analysis of five years of data [1]. The results are particularly interesting to me on one front – the cosmic neutrino background. On […]
There are some anecdotes from the Washington trip that bear repeating. I found them personally quite enlightening, so here I pass them along to you.
The press of the past few weeks has now officially caught up to me. While I am very much looking forward to returning to my research, I am also mentally and emotionally burned out. The last meeting of the trip was on Friday, late afternoon, at the Department of Energy […]
This was among the most exhausting weeks of my entire life, and though it was painful in the planning and tiring in the execution, it was worth it. In the coming weeks, a number of us will be compiling a more complete version of what we learned. Here, I put […]
Today was a long, long day. Jodi and I got out of bed around 5:00, got ready and ate breakfast, just in time to gulp my coffee and pack the car for the trip to the airport. I spent the night in a fitful sleep, waking up about once an […]
This week is the annual SLUO trip to Washington. Again, we join forces with Fermilab and the U.S. LHC User Group to carry a common message about particle physics and the physical sciences to the Congress. I’ll try to keep a daily journal here about what I learn, without getting […]
I’m trying not to be paranoid, but I think the universe is trying to tell me something. It started over a year ago, when I had my last real vacation. It was Christmas break, and Jodi and I did our usual family-to-family cross-continental hop. That’s tiring, with driving and flying, […]
Bill Foster, a physicist formerly at the Fermi National Accelerator Lab and a businessman in the Aurora, IL area, won the House seat formerly held by Dennis Hastert. Since Hastert left last fall, that seat has been left empty and Fermilab politically unprotected. Let’s all cross our fingers and hope […]
Recently, a new show has appeared on “The Discovery Channel” called “Smash Lab”. The premise of the show is simple: four smart people – an engineer, an “ideas guy”, a scientist, and a designer – get together and try to approach real-world problems with innovative technology. For instance, using carbon-fiber […]