This is a rant. I’ve earned it. For years, I have made the long, hard slog to Washington D.C. I have written to my Congressional representatives, made phone calls to local and national offices. I have dug into the political process, thought hard about modern democracy, and tried to work […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
I really wanted to go to the DNC website, catch Michelle Obama’s speech, maybe see some of the live video. Alas, the Democrats are not quite the progressives we’ve been led to believe. They seem to have taken a page from the NBC/Microsoft Olympics playbook: Looks like I’m well on […]
I’ve avoided the Presidential race for quite some time in this blog. Mainly, I was irritated that the whole thing started over a year ago. I felt it was a distraction from the present – the damage being done to America by the present leaders. However, it’s getting to be […]
I’ve returned from CT. I had a great time, although there was some rough going with my stomach for a few days (on and off). I think I overdid it on the wings and picked up a stomach bug, which my dad also caught (he doesn’t eat hot wings). Still, […]
We were told at ICHEP that the LHC would very soon try a single-sector beam test, injecting particles into one sector of the collider to check whether they could be transported. A press release reports this test as successful [1]. Can’t wait til September 10, when the real test – […]
I saw a USA Today article linked from Slashdot that reports on findings that Americans may not know enough science to make informed decisions [1]. When I clicked on that link, the USA Today article had embedded in it a link to a “true/false” question quiz about science, designed by […]
I’m doing a little catching up on some talks that I’ve archived for a while, but never watched. One of these is a TED conference talk on climate change by Al Gore. It is a phenomenal presentation, updating some of his thinking on the climate. I highly recommend watching it: […]
I’m spending some time after ICHEP with my family in Connecticut. It’s a needed chance to recharge the old brainpan. It’s like being at camp. Hmmmm. The Camp Sekula Theme Song With hand on heart we shout out loud How mom and dad would be so proud If they weren’t […]
I had a conversation with a friend of mine at ICHEP, who sounded interested in doing the occasional guest post on my blog. It’s a new idea for me – I think of this as personal space in a glass house (careful with those rocks, folks). However, after 621 of […]
ICHEP has ended, and while there were no truly stunning revelations at this conference it’s clear that a lot of great research is going on right now. The turn on of LHC is a nail-biter for everybody, inside and outside the experimental physics community. The launch of GLAST is seen […]
He could be sick. He could have a conflict. Or, a sign of the time. I’ll put it here, tea leaves for the bottom of your cup. From the ICHEP plenary talk schedule:
The first three days of the ICHEP conference have consisted entirely of parallel sessions on a variety of topics. Heavy quark physics, supersymmetry, CP violation and rare decays, exotic physics, computing and data analysis, particle astrophysics – too much for any one person to see! I did my fair share […]