I thought there might be some Zope folks out there who would find the following useful. Below is the code for my DTML method, wordpress_xml, that converts COREBlog posts to WordPress XML. If you want to export your entire blog to WordPress, make sure to change the visible days’ worth […]
Well, friends, it was inevitable. I hate static situations. Very soon, I’ll be moving this blog to “WordPress”, the excellent and highly-maintained blogging platform that is open-source and free for distribution and usage. For this blog, ever since its inception, I’ve used “COREBlog”, a plugin for the Zope webserver. It […]
Today an interesting ruling came from the European Union regarding Microsoft, Vista, and the distribution of services (like a media player, or a search engine) as integrated operating system technology. The EU courts ruled against Microsoft in its appeal of a previous ruling that its Vista technology creates an unfair […]
Quite a while back, I believe in early 2006, I setup a home personal video recorder (PVR) using a Hauppauge 350 TV Tuner card, a small form-factor system and an old monitor, and MythTV. My MythTV distribution of choice, at the time, was KnoppMyth. However, after one or two scary […]
Today, the linux world has a new member. A student with whom I work received a linux laptop today, a great little machine from System 76 [1]. In celebration of the open-source goodness of linux, I list a few of my favorite applications and plugins for linux and open-source software. […]
Last year, the sixth seal was broken and at&t rose from the ashes of the baby Bells, which in turn resulted from the sacrificial burning of AT&T. It’s in the Bible. I swear. Can’t find it? Try the Qu’ran. No? Keep looking. Anyway, a lot of people have laughed at […]
iMania over the iPhone is about to be unleashed. As many have pointed out [1], there hasn’t been this much hype ahead of something ultimately disappointing since Windows ’95. As people go nuts – N-V-T-S, NUTS! – over this hyped iPod/phone/web appliance hybrid, Microsoft has yet again advanced U.S. innovation […]
Well, it finally happened . . . again! Dell has officially begun shipping several desktop and laptop options with linux pre-installed. Yay! Today, the terrorists have officially lost a battle. <a href=”http://www.ubuntulinux.org/”>Ubuntu Linux</a> is the installation of choice. Based on the huge Debian Linux community, with strong customer support and […]
Today, I wanted to try out Skype on Mac OS X 10.3.9. Unfortunately, the newest webcams we own are about 7 years old, and Logitech doesn’t make drivers for Mac. Fortunately, the open-source community does. If you’re in this boat – an old Logitech camera and a Mac – check […]
A few days ago, I mentioned that there are independent spoofs of the Mac/PC ads on YouTube which involved Linux. This is now my absolute favorite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pa1RCg-Ccp0&NR#
After a farily straight-forward upgrade of the operating system on cooleysekula.net yesterday, I caught up on a few bulletins from Fedora Core regarding changes to Core 6 packages. I noticed this little gem in the update notes to the timezone data (tzdata) package: Mongolia has abolished DST. Good for Mongolia. […]
A lack of ingenuity, running around pretending to be ingenuity, often breeds that quality in other endeavors. The linux and open-source communities are brimming with innovation, something which is reflected every day from tabbed media players like “kaffeine” to sexy window managers like “beryl” and its crazy wobbly windows physics. […]