This Thanksgiving, Jodi and I were pretty damned sick of traveling [TAOMPH358]. However, one of the students in my group was co-hosting a Thanksgiving turkey fry at his place. Jodi and I gladly accepted the invitation, and knew we were in for a fun at-home holiday. Jodi did some baking […]
Monthly Archives: November 2006
The international linear collider will be the most powerful, most precise probe of the universe ever constructed on the Earth. The Large Hadron Collider, currently in the final stages of construction, will crack open the Terascale. Most physicists believe, based on knowing where our current theory of nature fails to […]
This past weekend, I completed the construction of my new death star. At its heart is a pentium 4 dual core processor, which I am *itching* to take for a spin with “ROOT”: and g++ – in particular, I want to clock a cold build of ROOT. To do anything […]
I’ve been picked on for watching Gilmore Girls. I’ve also been picked on for watching “Angel” and “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. In fact, I once mocked a good friend of mine for doing just that. But seemingly stupid TV can actually hide many nuggets of great writing and acting. “Buffy” […]
Too much flying. Too much up and down, and sitting on runways 25th in line. Too much fried food, and fast food, and food that comes in plastic. Too much bitter before lunch, and sweet after dinner. Too much driving, too much going left and getting lost. Travel sick.
After the treat of a moon over New York City, I found myself comfortable and cheery at my childhood home in Killingworth, CT. I had the pleasure of Saturday and Sunday night with my parents, catching up on all the political gossip with mom and watching the monster of the […]
About a year ago, I discovered the book “It Takes a Family” by Senator Rick Santorum. I commented on this book’s views on the scientific theories of both evolution and the big bang, as well as its attitudes toward a theory of multiple universes [TAOMPH96]. In short, I was unimpressed […]
I am currently in Killingworth, CT, spending a very wonderful day with my mother and father. I arrived last night, after landing in Newark and driving to Connecticut. But,I digress. How did this trip begin? I was originally scheduled to give a seminar at Princeton, but it turns out that […]
What seems like a very long time ago, my family took a vacation. Vacations were a near rarity in my family – by which I mean the kind of textbook, campy Americana vacation depicted in movies. We spent lots of time at the beach, and plenty of time just hanging […]
Jodi and I have been working our asses off to prepare job applications. We’ve just finished the most grueling of them, and while largely this was a painful experience there was good, too. I learned a lot about what Jodi has accomplished since graduate school. This may sounds ridiculous – […]
Tonight’s Nova, which focused on the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, got me thinking back to Jodi’s graduate research. “Monster of the Milky Way”: was a fun tour of the physics of black holes, the science behind their detection, and the road of discovery on the […]