The Texas Republican Party platform document was amusing (and scary); as I discussed earlier, it implied that the party called for banning the teaching of critical thinking. This whetted my appetite for the National Republican Party platform, a document which was expected to take the whole party further to the […]
Yearly Archives: 2012
Correction (6/12/2013): I originally referred to a vaccine containing multiple vaccinations as both “comcomitant” and “conjugate.” In fact, a “conjugate” vaccine is different; it is one where an antigen is attached to a protein from the same parent organism in an attempt to confer the immunological properties of the carrier […]
An article caught my attention today, written by Linda B. Blackford for The article, entitled, “GOP lawmakers question standards for teaching evolution in Kentucky,” [1] contained some choice quotes that exposed the bald motivations of legislators opposing the teaching of Natural Selection (the only established unifying principle of all […]
Below are photographs I took during a recent vacation in Wisconsin. These were all taken on a nature walk in Park Falls, WI. I very much enjoyed the contrast of these flashes of natural Wisconsin beauty interspersed with the human industry that helps support the town. [imagebrowser id=1]
More scenes from Wisconsin. This was posted on Google+…
I am a baptized Christian in the American Baptist Church. But I am also a critical thinker. Many people call today “free speech day.” Many others think this is a day to support Chick-fil-A. Even more others think that today is a day when Christians clearly show their homophobia by […]
The recent flap over Chick-fil-a President Dan Cathy’s comments regarding the rights of homosexuals to marry is a useful petri dish in which to study the U.S. problem with equal rights for heterosexuals and homosexuals. This controversy has been littered with all kinds of contradictions, hypocrisies, and logical fallacies. Let’s […]
Last summer, it was hotter than hell in Texas. We nearly broke the all-time record for most consecutive days over 100F. We missed it by a mere one day, which – as far as I am concerned – is a statistical fluke. Remember that the winter of 2011 was termed […]
Our country is stricken with an outbreak of a truly terrible disease. It’s passed by the internet, radio, TV . . . really, any means of communication. Mainly, these represent “oral transmission,” although written transmission is just as likely. What disease am I talking about? It’s called “Gohmert-Barber Syndrome,” also […]